Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Hearts Aren't Made for Sleeves

They can hear it in my voice. I’ve been on the phone with my mother and my former boss, both within the past hour, and they have each said “you sound down”. She could see it in my face. “I can tell you’re anxious about where you’re going to land,” she said in my informational meeting this morning. “It’s that obvious, huh?” I responded. Wow.

It’s like a little parasite that embeds itself in my mind… in my soul. A Virus. I carry it with me every day, it seems. It’s a heavy little burden – seemingly impossible to conceal. I’ve really been working on controlling my thoughts, too. ‘Everything will be okay,’ I try to tell myself. I’ve made some progress… but they’re only baby steps. I so earnestly want to find my perfect fit! But, life is what is happening to me as I search for that unattainable perfection, right? Instead of moping and whining, I should be grateful for the things that I do have, and celebrate them for what they are truly worth.

Well. I’ll rid myself of this debilitating virus with small doses, I suppose. I could start by picking my head up.

Deep Breaths

Everything is going to be okay. Let go of the sadness in your voice. Relax your shoulders. Close your eyes. Clear your thoughts.

Deep Breaths

That “void” in your spirit is really a figment of your imagination. You are fine. There is a light at the end of the tunnel. God is building you; growing you; empowering you.

Deep Breaths
It’s okay. Wipe those tears. Let it go. It’s okay.

It’s okay.

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