Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Talk is Cheap

“What really gets me is this: you work hard, you play by the rules, but when you need help – really need help – they let you hang.”

~Shane Scott, LEVERAGE

I had the pleasure of previewing one of TNT’s newest shows, LEVERAGE, which premieres in December. In this particular episode, the most striking line (to me, at least) came from a guest actor as he spoke about the foreclosure on his house. He was a hardworking man, who had just returned from Iraq, only to discover that his home was no longer his. While I can’t imagine the grief associated with losing a home, I can completely relate to the utter disappointment of losing a job.

“You work hard and you play by the rules.” Evidently, that’s not the way to reach your goals. You have to trick people. Lie. Cheat. Steal. And even then, the road is uphill. When you’re in informational interviews, formal interviews, coffee breaks, company meetings and the like, compliments and pats on the back can mean the world. You leave feeling proud, accomplished and ready for your next hurdle. You feel like everything will be okay. People respond to you. They are impressed by your resume. They appreciate the way you carry yourself. They could easily see you working on their team. But, talk is cheap. All of those niceties are nothing without actionable backup. You say you would hire me if you could – but you can’t. Well, words don’t put food on the table. Actions do.

I’m no longer interested in dilly-dallying around with empty smiling faces. I need results. I understand that “this is business” and “the economy is down” which is why I’m sure you’ll appreciate my urgency and disregard of pleasantries moving forward. Are you the hiring manger? Let’s talk. No headcount? Moving on.

I don’t have time for this. I will resume “building relationships” when I have an f-ing job. I’m now applying for retail jobs and hostess gigs. Really? Really. This is what it has come to. Me, my degree, and my 2+ years of experience are back to the chalk board and starting from Square One?! I’m disappointed. I’m hurt. I’m confused. I’m exhausted. I’m frustrated. I have a headache.

Please don’t tell me what you’d “like to do” or what you “might do in the future.” What can you do for me now? At this moment. At this time. I have worked hard. I have played by the rules, and all I’m asking for is an opportunity. I need an opportunity to continue to work hard, and play by the rules… to pay my rent, pay my bills, and perhaps enjoy being twenty-four. I have been searching for a job since I graduated from college. This is absolutely bewildering to me. I am BEGGING. Can somebody please help me out.

Or, will I be left to hang?

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