Monday, August 17, 2009

Are You Happy Now?

You know what else gets me? The fact that he's able to be happy without me in his life. That's a little narcissistic, no? But the idea that he could be truly perplexes me. How can he begin a new life without me in it, and honestly be happy? I haven't fully been able to re-start mine without him, and on most days, I'm pretty miserable. I'm confident that one day (soon, I hope) I'll be able to pick up those last pieces and start to march on again. But in the meantime, my only consistent thoughts have been of him. I wonder if he ever thinks of me? I wonder how often. And are they angry thoughts? Or, are they occasionally sad, remorseful, wistful, and/or depressing? I may never know.

How is it that some people are able to move on so quickly? Rapidly jumping from one relationship to another without any room to breathe or process what is happening in the midst of all of it? Can you honestly fall that hard, that fast? How is that possible? And, does it occur to you that you're hurting others in the process? Do you care about that at all? Does it even phase you? ::sighs::

Are you actually happy? Seriously? I'd really like to know.

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