Friday, August 29, 2008

Very Politically Incorrect

Welp. It's official. In this election, absolutely ANYTHING goes.

I was a Hillary supporter. I had nothing against Obama, because I did ultimately vote for him in the state primary and will surely vote for him in November. I just liked Hillary better. Race aside. Gender aside. Hillary, in my humble opinion, was best prepared for the position. She had experience on Capitol Hill, in the White House, and in one of the most prominent states in our country. Furthermore, this was not a popularity contest nor was it Student Council. We were talking about the leader of the free world, and Hillary was fully capable of doing an outstanding job. She played hard in the Good Ol' Boys Club, and beat a lot of men at their own game. She held her own. For every negative any person ever offered against Hillary, I could find a positive.

She's a jaded, professional politician.

Um. When you apply for jobs, the HR rep expects that you have some sort of qualifications for the job for which you're applying. Even the manager of Micky D's had to serve a few fries here and there. So -because she gained noteworthy experience as First Lady of Arkansas and the United States, went on to run and win a seat as a US Senator, and continues to make countless strides on behalf of everyday people - she's jaded. Sounds more like "qualified" to me, but you can call it what you like.

Her husband disgusts me.

Is he running for office? I mean, if he were I'd vote for him too, but I'm pretty sure there are laws against him serving a third term. Not sure though, so I'll double check. People question how a woman can stay with cheating man, when the real question is this: what does him cheating have to do with the price of tea in China? Nothing. Did his little blow job affect your drinking water? Your health care? Your phone bill? Gas prices? Sub prime mortgage rates? Are you shaking your head? Yeah - what he did was actually irrelevant, even more so because he wasn't your husband. And don't even bring up that whole "perjury" nuisance. Cause if we EVER put Bush on the stand... (::shaking my own head::) never mind. If Hillary, Bill Clinton's wife, could forgive him, then I think we should all move on. Let's.

She cried during her campaign.

Excuse me. A quiver in her voice hardly qualifies as the sob story everyone made it out to be. When she's wearing pant suits and talking about the tough issues - she's too manly. If she hasn't gotten any sleep in weeks and shows an ounce of emotion at an informal press conference - she's an over-emotional, PMSing woman. Give. Me. A. Break. Meanwhile, Kevin Garnett and Paul Pierce are shedding tears left and right, barely speaking English after winning the 2008 Championship in game six. I guess they shouldn't plan on running for President anytime soon either. All that estrogen might get in their way.

She's a bitch.

Hell yeah she's a bitch! I love it! She's no-nonsense. She knows the ins and outs of our political system and works every angle to her own advantage. She has paid her dues and she's ready to cash in for the big promotion. Nice Girls Don't Get the Corner Office, you know (speaking of which - ladies, please add that book to your collection ). She's an amazing example of what hard work, due diligence, sound mind and ceaseless perseverance can do for a girl. Is she underhanded? Might be. Most politicians are, so I don't fault her for that. Is she the spawn of Satan? For some reason, people really seem to believe that. I can't help but laugh at how re-damn-diculas that sounds. People really hate this woman. And, why I don't fully understand why, I will repeat what someone once told me: the only reason a person will ever hate you is because you posses something that they lack. Gumption. Drive. Wherewithal. Prowess. Tenacity. Nimbleness... The woman stood up at the DNC on Tuesday and wholeheartedly endorsed her 19-month opponent as President of the United States of America. She did so with grace, poise and assuredness. She continued to focus on the tough issues facing our country, in efforts to unite our party and secure Democratic reign in the Oval Office. She did all of this with a smile on her face and sincerity in her voice. Even her clever, self-depreciating "sisterhood of the traveling pantsuits" joke had to have struck a chord with her still-undecided supporters. So, yeah, I guess those are reasons to declare her the offspring of Lucifer.

To that end, while Republicans and Democrats alike were attacking Hills from both sides, calling for her to end her campaign prematurely, look at what HER hard work has provided - a Republican Vice Presidential nominee.

What. The. Ham-Sandwich.

This Palin woman is shamelessly riding on Hillary's coattails. She admits as much in her first public address in accepting McCain's nomination. How dare she?! Hillary did not endure as much as she did so that you - a two-bit exploitation of her hard work - could presumably secure a position as our country's first female Vice President. Boy, I'm just getting all sorts of riled up over here.

My friends (all Obama supporters from jump) suggest that we (Hillary supporters) are too smart to fall for a ploy such as this. Unfortunately, as much as I take pride in my own intelligence, I cannot speak for the other 18 million "cracks" in the now clichéed glass ceiling. Some women may really be swayed by McCain's blatant attempt to secure Hillary's leftovers. I was appalled to see "Clintons for McCain" posters in Denver this past week. Who is this dumb? Sarah Palin's politics aren't even CLOSE to Hillary's. She hasn't even finished one term as Governor! (And - I made the same criticism about Obama when he chose to run prior to finishing his first term as US Senator; I'm not making ANY exceptions on this point.)

I will say this - this haphazard decision will make for some interesting TV over the next two months. It's bound to be more entertaining/informative/outright ridicules than most programming in the 2008 fall line-up. The Single Aesthetic: tricking dumb Americans into keeping up with politics and casting a vote in November. THIS is what it has come to.

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