Wednesday, November 19, 2008

A Living Example

All this free time is making me a little too introspective.

You know how, when you have a girlfriend who's really going through something, you feel like you have ALL THE ANSWERS? And, in all reality, you probably do. You've been exactly where she's been... you've thought and felt all of her same thoughts and feelings. That sentiment is especially poignant, however, when this girlfriend happens to be one of the bridesmaids (the only one with whom you spent your entire childhood), who has been there with you for this entire roller coaster ride we call "life".

"Corinne" and I met when I was four and she was three. My brother and I were the newest kids in our neighborhood. My mom and her dad worked at the same local university. We attended the same pre-school. Though I was one year ahead of her, I saw much of myself in all of her actions. Throughout elementary, middle and high school, we were honors students. We were also prima ballerinas who studied french and were overprotected by our parents. We graduated among few minorities in the top 10% of our graduating classes. We were active in student council; we both served as prom committee chair; and while I ran for Student Body president and lost (BY 19 VOTES!!!), she managed to clinch that victory the following year.

We may have been square, do-gooder, "girl-next-door" types in high school... but in college we were a mess. The saga of on-again-off-again relationships with men led to our formal declaration of love for one another... via Facebook. Corinne became my online wife (until I ultimately deleted my account (Facebook is the devil, you know)). I also managed to introduce Corinne to every vice known to man. Per my negative influence, Corinne soon strayed from her pedestal and began drinking... (the horror!) which was soon followed by experimentation with - eh - botany. And later, she discovered crayons and began coloring.

Unfortunately, the consequences of grown up decisions are often a graduated level of anguish and pain. And, while summertime may be long gone, I reminded Corinne that "Get Right" knows no season! It's never too late to start living your best life now. But there's so much more. Recovering from heartbreak is much like any other obstacle we encounter in life. The same ambition we used to run for student office; the same discipline we used to perform en pointe; and the same tenacity we had to graduate with honors must be applied to our personal hurdles as well. Moving on - moving UP, rather - from a dead-end relationship is really about completely changing your mentality. It's about completely changing your perspective. I am a living example... and it really does work.

You dedicate so much of your time, thoughts and energy to a guy, only to receive little (if anything) in return. Once you redirect that energy, however, life seems to completely turn itself around. Maybe the object of your affection re-enters your life later on down the line (which feels really, really great btw)... or maybe he doesn't. But the progress you make with yourself - by working out, and praying, and laughing with friends, and discovering new wine, and climbing up the career ladder - is PRICELESS. You wake up feeling better, you walk into class (or work) smiling. And while the void still may exist, you're confident because you know that, when the time is right, someone better will come along and have you asking yourself "why was I ever upset to begin with?" That is, until you watch "The Break Up" on USA... and then you remember EXACTLY why you were upset. But I digress.

The Single Aesthetic here: knowing that when you're in a position to help someone along a path you've already traveled, it is imperative you do so! Lifelong friendships cannot sustain themselves on the fun times alone. When your BFF needs you for the hard stuff - that's what really counts. Be a living example. (And honestly, if you're the one who introduced the bridesmaid to matches, it's your duty to help put out the fire!!)

I will do so gladly. Corinne, these are for you!

I am on your side
Both for better and for worse
You can count on me!

His Body
I'll take care of it
Duct tape and a body bag
That should do the trick

Who would pick navy?
Over Carolina Blue?
Don't make no damn sense!

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