Saturday, January 3, 2009

Detox Diaries #1 - #3

In the spirit of "Playing It By Ear" I've had to make a few amendments to this whole Ultra Mega Super-Duper Detox thing I have going on. Day #1 wasn't terrible. [SPOILER ALERT - the boy stayed with me] Being with him, and waking up in his arms, and lounging the entire day away with him really distracted me from my hunger. When I finally got up to make him dinner, I wasn't that hungry. But, for the sake of simply consuming something, I made myself a fruit-only smoothie, and it was the grossest thing I've ever tasted. He asked a few times to try it, and I denied him. "It's nasty," I said, smiling. Finally, he took a sip, grimaced and shook his head. "There are other ways," he chided. "Man, the shit girls do... I don't understand it." He's like a cute little puppy sometimes... and I don't even like dogs.

Day #2 however, was a test. I woke up feeling weak, which is never a good sign. So I amended my smoothie recipes to include skim milk, fat-free yogurt and protein mix. I need some substance in my life. I tried the Master Cleanse mix, with a bit too much Cayenne Pepper... so I'll have to do better with that today. I ran my typical errands, continuing with the apartment search, and came home - tired - to watch a movie. I swear every scene of Full Frontal is held over a meal or an alcoholic beverage. I could barely hear some scenes because my stomach was moaning so loudly. LOL. But it's whatever.

Today, I'm waking up (at 1:30 pm) feeling fine and dandy. Yesterday, Cece and I agreed to run a 5K in March, which is perfect. That means, as soon as I'm done with the detox, I can hit the gym hard for a good six weeks to prepare. What's better is that my birthday falls just a few days after the run - which means I'll be looking fierce when I celebrate 25!! Woo-hoo! Aaand, I will have just moved into my new apartment (wherever that may be) which is putting me in better spirits already. Man, Q1 of '09 is looking damn good... and it's only Day #3.

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