Thursday, January 1, 2009


Resolved! In 2009, I will:

Kick off the New Year with an Ultra Mega Super-Duper Detox
Details: Begin with a weeklong (or 10-day) “Modified Master Cleanse” which allows *fresh* fruit smoothies (no added sugar, dairy etc., FRUIT + ICE ONLY!), the Master Cleanse concoction (lemon juice, molasses and cayenne pepper), and herbal tea. Gently re-introduce solid foods in Week 2 with a “Fresh Fruits and Veggies” diet. Consume veggies raw or steamed, only. Also re-introduce cardiovascular workouts with light weights, light running/walking, and extensive yoga. Week 3 kicks off with a normal (but hopefully healthier) diet, and extensive work-outs (with a focus on toning). In Week 4 schedule a colonic to get rid of impurities the Detox couldn’t quite reach… and keep up the good work!

Travel to Las Vegas (and maybe even gamble)

Travel to Mexico (and tan!)



Smile as often as possible

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